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Creating playlists

To use the library, use this code:

// Import the library
const YouTubePlayer = require("@redstonewizard08/youtube-player");

// Most build tools will allow you to import assets directly
// as URLs (e.g. Vite, or Webpack with plugins, also rollup),
// but if that fails, you can just provide a URL (relative or
// non-relative). YouTube Player also supports Data URIs.
const poster = require("../public/assets/hold_your_ground.png");
const video = require("../public/assets/hold_your_ground.mp4");

// On window load, create our player.
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
// Define the videos.
/** @type {import("@redstonewizard08/youtube-player").VideoData[]} */
const videos = [
album: "Stardew Valley - Roguelike Mod OST",
artist: "Therm",
title: "Hold Your Ground",

poster: poster,
source: video,

// Add more videos using the format above.

// Create the player instance.
const player = YouTubePlayer.createPlaylistPlayer(videos);