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Creating players (without playlists)


The API for creating players will change soon, and this will completely remove the metadata (second parameter) of the createPlayer() function, and the metadata will be auto-generated based on the info provided (first parameter), since the metadata being supplied is very repetitive.

To use the library, use this code:

// Import the library
const YouTubePlayer = require("@redstonewizard08/youtube-player");

// Most build tools will allow you to import assets directly
// as URLs (e.g. Vite, or Webpack with plugins, also rollup),
// but if that fails, you can just provide a URL (relative or
// non-relative). YouTube Player also supports Data URIs.
const poster = require("../public/assets/hold_your_ground.png");
const video = require("../public/assets/hold_your_ground.mp4");

// On window load, create our player.
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
// Define the video info.
/** @type {import("@redstonewizard08/youtube-player").VideoData} */
const video = {
album: "Stardew Valley - Roguelike Mod OST",
artist: "Therm",
title: "Hold Your Ground",

poster: poster,
source: video,

// Define the metadata.
/** @type {import("@redstonewizard08/youtube-player").PlayerMetadata} */
const metadata = {
album: "Stardew Valley - Roguelike Mod OST",
artist: "Therm",
titie: "Hold Your Ground",

artwork: [
// ...

// Create the player instance.
const player = YouTubePlayer.createPlayer(video, metadata);