Table of Contents

Getting Started

With ConfigurableWarning, getting started is easy!


After setting up a new BepInEx mod, you can add the package to your project using the following:

dotnet add package RedstoneWizard08.ConfigurableWarning

Your First Option

While the legacy ContentSettings API still works, we recommend using the newer API instead. It's more powerful and easier to use!

Here's a basic option:

[Group("MY STUFF", "GENERAL")]
public static class MyOptions {
    private class MyOptionThing()
        : IntOption("MyOption", 50, "My Option!", 0, 100);

For more info, head to the tutorials section!

Accessing its State

To access your option's state, you can use the <xref:ConfigurableWarning.API.States> manager. To access it, you'll use the same string that you used in your option's name above. In this case, it's "MyOption".

int? state = States.Ints["MyOption"];

This code retrieves the optional state of the option. You can learn more about that here.